Local Politics

NDC Promises Regional Dialysis Centres

Story Highlights
  • Renal patients demand affordable dialysis.
  • Association welcomes plan, but seeks affordable pricing.
  • Patients face challenges with distance and cost.

The Renal Patients Association of Ghana has made a passionate appeal to political parties to prioritize making dialysis treatment more affordable nationwide. This call comes on the heels of the National Democratic Congress’s (NDC) pledge to establish modern dialysis centres in regions currently lacking these facilities.

Kojo Ahenkorah, the association’s spokesperson, welcomed the NDC’s proposal, emphasizing the urgent need for accessible and affordable dialysis treatment. Ahenkorah shared a personal anecdote, highlighting the challenges faced by renal patients. He spoke of two patients, one of whom recently passed away after commuting twice a week from Begoro in the Eastern region to Korle Bu for dialysis treatment over the course of 10 years.

He emphasized the difficulties faced by patients who must travel long distances for treatment, underscoring the need for decentralized dialysis centres. Ahenkorah expressed optimism about the NDC’s plan to establish dialysis centres in all 16 regions, stating that it would greatly improve patients’ access to treatment.

However, he stressed that the high costs associated with dialysis treatment must also be addressed. He noted that the NDC’s proposal did not mention pricing, which is a critical aspect of making treatment accessible. Ahenkorah reiterated the association’s appeal to political parties to prioritize affordable dialysis treatment, ensuring that patients receive the care they need without financial hardship.

The Renal Patients Association of Ghana remains hopeful that the NDC’s pledge will materialize, bringing relief to patients and their families. Ultimately, the association seeks a comprehensive solution that combines accessible dialysis centres with affordable treatment, ensuring that renal patients receive the care they deserve.

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