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Supreme Court Nominee Denies Advocacy for LGBTQI+ Rights

Story Highlights
  • Supreme Court nominee has firmly denied any support for LGBTQ+ rights
  • Prof. Oppong clarified his previous discussions on LGBTQ+ issues
  • The nominee emphasized his traditional values

Professor Richard Frimpong Oppong, a nominee for the Supreme Court, has categorically denied any support for LGBTQI+ rights in Ghana.

During his testimony before the Parliament’s Appointments Committee on Tuesday, Prof. Oppong responded to concerns from Minority Leader Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, who referenced a confidential National Intelligence Bureau (NIB) report.

This report suggested that Prof. Oppong, known for his libertarian views, might prioritize issues such as surrogacy and LGBTQI+ rights if confirmed to the Supreme Court.

Prof. Oppong strongly rejected these claims, asserting that he does not endorse LGBTQI+ activities. He criticized the report for misrepresenting his stance and emphasized that his personal and professional views do not support such activities.

He stated, “The report’s assertions are entirely false. As an academic, I have discussed such topics from a conflict of laws perspective, but that does not equate to advocacy. My family and I are traditional in our values, and I assure you that I have no intention of promoting LGBTQI+ issues.”

When further questioned by MP Mahama Ayariga, Prof. Oppong reiterated his position, explaining, “I am a lawyer, not an anthropologist or sociologist. My personal life and professional expertise do not align with the promotion of LGBTQI+ rights.”

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