Local Politics

Pusiga: NDC to NPP – Disrespect Our MP and Face Reprisal

Story Highlights
  • NPP leaders urged to control their members.
  • NDC condemns provocative rhetoric
  • Attacks on her are seen as disrespectful.
  • Avoid inflammatory language to prevent tensions.

In the Pusiga constituency of the Upper East Region, National Democratic Congress (NDC) officials have issued a stern warning to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) regarding the use of inflammatory language. They argue that such rhetoric could heighten political tensions in the area.

The NDC is calling on the national leadership of the NPP to rein in their members within the constituency, emphasizing that a failure to address the situation could provoke a significant backlash.

During a recent press conference, Alale Baba Atimbila, the NDC Communication Officer for Pusiga, voiced deep concern about the increasingly divisive and provocative language employed by NPP supporters. He warned that this behavior threatens the stability and peace of the constituency.

Atimbila highlighted the exemplary conduct of Hajia Laadi Ayamba, emphasizing her commitment and integrity in serving the Pusiga community. He denounced the insults directed at her as not only a personal affront but also a disrespect to the entire constituency.

He stressed that politics should focus on constructive ideas and the advancement of the community, rather than descending into character attacks and unfounded criticisms.

The NDC official concluded by warning that continued attacks on Laadi Ayamba could lead to severe consequences for the NPP and its candidates. He asserted that the people of Pusiga are unlikely to support a party or candidate that disrespects their leaders and undermines those who have diligently worked for their progress.

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