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PNP Dismisses PNC’s Petition Against Registration: “No Case,” Urges EC to Disregard

Story Highlights
  • The PNP argued that the PNC's petition lacks legal merit
  • The PNP drew parallels to other parties that have evolved over time
  • PNP urged the EC and the public to disregard what they described as an unfounded petition

The People’s National Party (PNP) has responded to the People’s National Convention’s (PNC) petition urging the Electoral Commission (EC) to halt the registration of PNP, asserting that the PNC has no grounds for its claims.

In a statement dated July 18, 2024, signed by its General Secretary, Chairperson, and Communications Secretary, the PNP argued that there is no legal basis preventing them from using a name that existed in Ghana’s political history. They highlighted the historical lineage of political parties and emphasized that the PNC’s concerns lack merit, drawing parallels with their own historical roots.

“We urge the public and the Electoral Commission in particular to dismiss this petition,” the statement continued, asserting that the PNC’s petition is based on misunderstanding and lacks foundation.

The PNP further clarified that they share no common ground with the PNC and see no reason why their registration should be halted.

Below is the PNP’s full statement 


The People’s National Party (PNP) has come across a petition to the EC to halt the registration of the party by David Apasera and the ‘now-defunct’ People’s National Convention (PNC), along with their legal representatives, concerning alleged similarities in symbols and ideologies between our parties.

We urge the public and the Electoral Commission in particular, to disregard this ill-informed petition. Mr. David Apasera appears to lack a proper understanding of political ideologies. If he were to be informed, he would have known that parties such as the Convention People’s Party (CPP), the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the Ghana Union Movement (GUM) would not be existing, since, all of which promote social democracy. Historically, the PNC has been a progeny of the CPP and therefore has no grounds to question the legitimacy of the PNP. Following his logic, the CPP should have also prevented the PNC from existing. It must be emphasized, that there is no law banning a political party under this fourth republic from using a name, which existed in the third republic. If that is the case, the CPP would still be using the name Peoples Convention Party. 

The PNP is not a social democratic party. We identify as communitarians, focusing on strengthening our families and communities to benefit our nation as a whole. Our symbol is a black palm tree on the southern chieftaincy stool, with the northern chieftaincy skin in the background. Our slogan is “My family, my conununity. my motherland,” and our colors are black, and wine. 

The PNP will hold its national congress on August 10, 2024. We ask for the support and prayers of all Ghanaians. 

PNP: Our Family, Our Conununny. and Our Motherland Signed

Sulemana Seidu, General Secretary, 0274470944

Janet Asana Nabla, Chairperson and Leader, 0244174074 

Samuel Ayesu, Communications Scretary, 0501436069 

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