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“Executive Director of NASIA Under Fire, NAGRAT Demands Removal”

Story Highlights
  • NAGRAT demands removal of NASIA Executive Director.
  • NASIA sidelines trained teachers for school inspections.
  • NASIA lacks transparency, fails to produce quarterly reports.
  • NASIA ignores teacher unions, refuses meetings for 6 years.

The National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) is calling for the removal of Dr. Haggar Hilda Ampadu, the Executive Director of the National Schools Inspectorate Authority (NASIA). NAGRAT’s demand is based on the authority’s failure to work closely with teacher unions, despite its mandate to collaborate with stakeholders in the education sector.

The association is also questioning the authority’s decision to sideline trained teachers under the Ghana Education Service in favor of other personnel to conduct inspections in various schools. According to NAGRAT, this move is not only unfair but also undermines the expertise of trained teachers who are better equipped to assess the quality of education in schools.

NAGRAT’s President, Angel Carbonu, emphasized that Dr. Ampadu must be replaced with a more competent person who understands the role of NASIA. Carbonu expressed concerns about the authority’s lack of transparency, citing the absence of quarterly reports on inspection work as required.

He also questioned the ethics of the Inspectorate Authority collecting fees and charges, which may create a conflict of interest. NAGRAT has been trying to engage with NASIA for six years, but the authority has refused to meet with the representatives of teacher unions.

Carbonu described this lack of engagement as unacceptable, highlighting the need for collaboration between NASIA and teacher unions to improve education quality. NAGRAT is urging the government to replace Dr. Ampadu with a more competent person who can effectively lead NASIA and work collaboratively with stakeholders.

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