Local Politics

“GBC Director General Promises Credible Election Coverage”

Story Highlights
  • GBC ready to fulfill election mandate.
  • Committee established for equal political access.
  • Eight new vehicles added for comprehensive coverage.
  • GBC committed to fair and objective reporting.

The Director-General of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC), Prof. Amin Alhassan, has reaffirmed the nation’s broadcaster’s commitment to fulfilling its constitutional mandate during the upcoming general elections.

Speaking at a stakeholder meeting at the Alisa Hotel in Accra, Prof. Alhassan assured Ghanaians that GBC is prepared to provide equal access to all political actors on its platforms, including TV, radio, and online resources.

To achieve this, the Corporation has established a Political Broadcast and Monitoring Committee to ensure fair and balanced coverage of all political candidates, both Parliamentary and Presidential. Prof. Alhassan emphasized that GBC is committed to delivering on its constitutional responsibility, providing equal airtime to all registered political candidates.

To enhance its reporting capabilities, GBC has expanded its transport fleet with the addition of eight new vehicles, enabling reporters to cover the entire country. While acknowledging that there is still work to be done, Prof. Alhassan expressed confidence in GBC’s readiness to live up to its mandate, citing ongoing efforts to augment studios and procure additional production equipment.

He reiterated that GBC remains committed to its core values of objectivity, impartiality, and fairness in its coverage of the elections. The stakeholder meeting aimed to engage with political parties, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders to ensure a collaborative approach to election coverage.

Prof. Alhassan’s assurances come as Ghanaians prepare to head to the polls, with GBC playing a critical role in informing the public and promoting democratic values. By reaffirming its commitment to its constitutional mandate, GBC demonstrates its dedication to supporting Ghana’s democratic process and ensuring a free and fair election.

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