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“Mayor of Accra Seeks Partnership with Youth to Develop and Clean Up the City”

Story Highlights
  • AMA engages youth on achievements under Mayor Sackey.
  • Achievements in education, revenue, health, and sanitation are highlighted.
  • Mayor Sackey emphasizes youth's role in development and cleanliness.
  • Massive clean-up exercise planned for Howomo festivities.

The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) engaged with youth groups across the city to showcase its achievements under Mayor Elizabeth Kwatsoe Tawiah Sackey’s leadership. The event aimed to foster transparency and collaboration, bringing together students from various universities, bloggers, and youth activists.

Mayor Sackey highlighted the AMA’s achievements in education, including completed classroom blocks and toilet facilities at various schools. The AMA also declared Accra as the 2023 World Book Capital and implemented revenue mobilization initiatives, including a centralized digital platform for revenue collection.

Special initiatives under Mayor Sackey include the Economic Women Empowerment Summit, the Mayor’s Street Sweepers Special Initiative, and public-private partnerships for redevelopment projects. The AMA also achieved notable successes in the health sector, including the commissioning of a maternity theatre block and the upgrading of Mamprobi Polyclinic to a hospital.

Efforts in water and sanitation include the construction of boreholes, toilet facilities, and daily evacuation of solid waste. The AMA also initiated development projects, including electoral area projects, disaster prevention, public health initiatives, and road asphaltic overlay.

Mayor Sackey emphasized the crucial role of youth in the city’s development and cleanliness, assuring the AMA’s commitment to making Accra a cleaner city. The Mayor also revealed plans for a massive clean-up exercise ahead of the Howomo festivities, led by the Greater Accra Regional Coordinating Council (GARCC).

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