Local Politics

“Eduwatch slams Free SHS for prioritizing politics”

Story Highlights
  • Eduwatch criticizes Free SHS Bill, citing political motives.
  • Bill aims to regulate and sustain Free SHS policy.
  • Existing laws already cover Free SHS, making new bill unnecessary.
  • Eduwatch prioritizes sustainable education reform over political legacy.

Africa Education Watch (Eduwatch), a prominent educational policy think tank, has expressed concerns over the government’s proposed Free Senior High School (SHS) Bill. The bill, set to be presented to Parliament, aims to regulate the policy and ensure its sustainability.

Eduwatch argues that the bill’s timing and the government’s approach suggest a focus on political gains rather than long-term educational benefits. The Free SHS policy, a cornerstone of the Akufo-Addo administration, seeks to remove financial barriers to secondary education by covering fees, textbooks, boarding, and meals.

While the initiative has increased access to education, particularly for girls, Eduwatch believes the bill prioritizes political legacy over sustainable educational reform. Speaking on Eyewitness News on Citi FM, Eduwatch’s Executive Director, Kofi Asare, questioned the need for a new law when the Pre Tertiary Education Act already covers Free SHS.

Asare noted that the bill addresses the least pressing challenges facing the policy, which requires urgent attention. He cited the Pre Tertiary Education Law (Act 10(49)) passed in December 2020, which includes free SHS under section 3.

Asare believes the bill is driven by political legacy rather than a genuine desire for educational reform. Eduwatch’s concerns highlight the need for a more sustainable and long-term approach to educational reform in Ghana.

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