Local Politics

Mahama Vows to Revitalize Fishing Industry and Empower Youth

Story Highlights
  • Mahama's initiative targets the dual objectives of combating coastal pollution
  • Mahama underscores the importance of clean beaches in driving tourism
  • Mahama pledges to restore the fishing industry to its former vitality

Former President and flagbearer of the NDC John Dramani Mahama has announced a new initiative aimed at tackling environmental pollution while providing job opportunities for young people in fishing communities.

Speaking at a recent town hall meeting in Tema, Mahama outlined his plan to employ the youth to clean up the beaches, thereby addressing the pressing issue of coastal pollution.

Highlighting the critical role that clean beaches play in promoting tourism and ensuring the sustainability of local fisheries, Mahama emphasized the dual benefits of this initiative.

“Our beaches are not only a vital part of our ecosystem but also crucial for the livelihood of our fishing communities and the tourism industry,” he said. “By employing young people to keep our beaches clean, we are creating jobs and safeguarding our environment.”

John Dramani Mahama has assured fishing communities that, if re-elected, his administration will restore the fishing industry to its former glory. He criticized the Akufo-Addo administration for what he described as the destruction of the fishing business.

Mahama highlighted the changes in the management of key resources, noting that during the NDC’s tenure, the prices of premix fuel and outboard motors were managed by the chief fisherman.

However, under the current administration, these responsibilities have been handed over to party apparatchiks.

“We will restore the glory days of the fishing industry,” he promised.

He also emphasized the need for enhanced maritime security. “We have to provide vessels for the Navy to patrol our waters,” Mahama said. “We will equip the Navy with ships to ensure that trawlers do not encroach on our exclusive zone.”

In addition, Mahama proposed a program to employ young people from fishing communities to maintain clean beaches. “We will pay them to clean the beaches daily, ensuring that there are no plastics on our shores,” he stated.

Mahama’s pledges aim to revitalize the fishing industry, bolster maritime security, and promote environmental sustainability along Ghana’s coastline.

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