Local Politics

EC Uncovers Voter Registration Fraud in Pusiga District

The Electoral Commission (EC) has revealed that fake Ghana Card numbers were used to register approximately 17 individuals at the Pusiga District Registration Centre on May 13, 2024. The fraudulent registrations were discovered during the ongoing voter registration process, prompting swift action from the EC.

The Registration Officer responsible for overseeing the process at the centre was immediately dismissed and later arrested by law enforcement authorities following a report filed with the Police. According to the EC, the officer had failed to properly verify the authenticity of the Ghana Card presented by each applicant, instead accepting counterfeit numbers provided by Party Agents accompanying the applicants.

In a statement issued on Monday, May 20, the EC expressed deep concern over the breach of integrity in the voter registration process. “Upon investigation, it was revealed that the Ghana Card numbers were fake. It was further discovered that the Registration Officer was complicit because he did not physically inspect the Ghana Card of individual applicants but rather accepted the fake numbers from Party Agents who had accompanied the 17 applicants,” the statement said.

The EC assured the public of its commitment to upholding the integrity of the voter registration exercise. The 17 applicants were subsequently registered through the Guarantor System, and the Police continue to investigate the incident.

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