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Alan Cash Supporters Denounce Alleged Bribery Attempt by NPP

Story Highlights
  • NAWSAK strongly condemns the NPP's alleged attempt to lure youth away from Alan Kyerematen's Movement for Change through bribery.
  • The group expresses profound worry over what they perceive as covert tactics employed by the NPP and urges young people to resist financial inducements.
  • Luther-King Junior emphasizes that young individuals are disillusioned with traditional parties' manipulative tactics.

Nationwide Supporters of Alan Kyerematen (NAWSAK) have vehemently criticized the New Patriotic Party (NPP) for purportedly trying to sway the youth away from supporting Alan Kyerematen’s Movement for Change and towards joining the NPP through bribery.

In a statement issued on Monday, April 22, 2024, as reported by Kumasi.city, NAWSAK expressed deep concern over what they perceive as the NPP’s covert methods and urged young people not to succumb to financial incentives.

Luther-King Junior, the group’s convener, stressed that young individuals are disenchanted with both the NPP and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) due to what they see as manipulative tactics, and are resolute in their commitment to stand behind Alan Kyerematen’s leadership.

The group also expressed astonishment at the NPP’s assumption that monetary offers have been effective in persuading young people, labeling it as indicative of the party’s naivety.

NAWSAK further underscored that the youth are no longer willing to be taken for granted by the NPP and NDC, urging political actors to acknowledge their refusal to be swayed solely by superficial gestures such as plastering posters and making noise.

Full statement available below:

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