Corona Virus Pandemic

GHS Warns: COVID-19 Still Here, Get Vaccinated

GHS Warns: COVID-19 Still Here, Get Vaccinated

The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has rejected assertions of COVID-19 being declared over, emphasizing the ongoing presence of the virus.…
GHS Urges Public to Get COVID-19 Vaccine

GHS Urges Public to Get COVID-19 Vaccine

The Ghana Health Service (GHS) and its partners under the Ministry of Health are reminding the public of the ongoing…
Global Pact on Pandemics: WHO Urges Countries to Meet Deadline

Global Pact on Pandemics: WHO Urges Countries to Meet Deadline

As the deadline for negotiations approaches on May 10th, the World Health Organization (WHO) has intensified its call for countries…
Ghana Registers 31 Fresh Cases of COVID-19

Ghana Registers 31 Fresh Cases of COVID-19

The Ghana Health Service has documented 31 additional instances of COVID-19 within the nation over the past week. Dr. Kwame…
“Fellow Ghanaians” Embodied The Spirit Of Unity And Solidarity – Akufo-Addo

“Fellow Ghanaians” Embodied The Spirit Of Unity And Solidarity – Akufo-Addo

President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has stated that the popular phrase “Fellow Ghanaians” which was authored by…
WHO to trial malaria, arthritis drugs as COVID treatments

WHO to trial malaria, arthritis drugs as COVID treatments

Three drugs will be added to the UN agency’s global trial to test their efficacy in patients hospitalised with COVID-19.
Ghana aims to receive 18 million COVID shots by October

Ghana aims to receive 18 million COVID shots by October

ACCRA, July 25 (Reuters) – Ghana hopes to receive over 18 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines before October as it…