
Moesha Boduong’s Family Seeks Legal Action Against Blogger Over Leaked Recovery Videos

Story Highlights
  • Moesha Boduong's family sues blogger over leaked videos
  • Family denies pastor solely healed Moesha
  • Blogger faces legal action for privacy invasion

The family of Ghanaian actress Moesha Boduong has vowed to take legal action against a blogger who shared private videos of her recovery without permission.

The blogger, a member of the same church where Moesha sought spiritual healing for stroke-related ailments, captured and disseminated sensitive footage of the actress, sparking outrage from her family.

“We’re extremely displeased with this gross invasion of Moesha’s privacy,” said Ahmedu Boduong, Moesha’s uncle. “Our neighborhood respected her privacy; no one dared take pictures or videos. But someone exploited her vulnerability in a place of worship for clicks.”

The family disputes reports crediting the pastor alone for Moesha’s recovery. “Her healing was a result of multiple interventions,” Ahmedu clarified. “While we appreciate the church’s spiritual support, other spiritualists contributed significantly to her journey before the church visit.”

Moesha’s family has warned against further recording or publishing sensitive videos, threatening legal consequences.

“The actions of this blogger are unacceptable,” Ahmedu emphasized. “We will pursue justice to protect Moesha’s rights and dignity.”

The family’s move aims to safeguard Moesha’s privacy and prevent further exploitation.

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