Transgender Woman Wins Discrimination Case Against Female-Only App

A transgender woman in Australia has won a landmark discrimination case against a female-only social media app.

Roxanne Tickle was unlawfully discriminated against when she was barred from the Giggle for Girls app due to her gender identity.

The Federal Court of Australia ruled that Tickle was subjected to “indirect gender discrimination” when she was blocked from the app in 2021.

The app’s creator, Sall Grover, argued that women-only spaces should be allowed to limit access to “cisgender” women. However, the court found that this condition discriminated against transgender women, including those who have legally transitioned.

Justice Robert Bromwich emphasized that Tickle is legally considered female and that it is not his role to determine the “general nature of biological sex.” He ordered that Tickle be awarded $6,700 in compensation and costs.

Tickle expressed hope that the ruling would promote healing and understanding. Grover, on the other hand, has stated that she anticipated the outcome and remains committed to fighting for women’s rights.

The case has sparked significant debate about the definition of sex and gender, particularly in the context of online spaces.

The ruling has implications for other businesses and organizations that may have similar policies regarding gender-based restrictions.

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