Student Stabbed in Dormitory Attack at Ghanata Senior High School

A troubling event took place at Ghanata Senior High School in Dodowa, where a student was stabbed during a nighttime invasion of the boys’ dormitory.

Sources indicate that a group of alleged local youths has been breaching the dormitory at night, subjecting students to harassment and mistreatment over the past few weeks.

The intruders have reportedly accessed the dormitory through an unprotected section of the school’s perimeter, causing various injuries to the students.

The reasons behind these attacks are still unknown.

It appears that school authorities were unaware of the ongoing disturbances until this latest incident, which has now been reported to the police.

One suspect has been apprehended in relation to the stabbing.

This incident raises serious concerns about the safety and security of students at the school.

An investigation is underway to determine the full scope of the situation and to hold those responsible accountable.

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