Kwame Mickey, a renowned music producer, has reached an amicable settlement with Team Eternity Ghana, a music group, over copyright issues surrounding their hit song “Defe Defe”.
In a statement released on Monday, July 1, 2024, Kwame Mickey announced that a Licence Agreement had been signed, granting Team Eternity Ghana non-executive rights to use elements of the original song in their new track.
“The parties have duly entered into a Licence Agreement under which Kwame Mickey grants to Team Eternity Ghana the non-executive right to use in the new song, those words derived from the existing song,” the statement read in part.
The dispute arose in June when Kwame Mickey accused Team Eternity Ghana of unlawfully sampling a song by his artistes, Helleluyah Voices, released 15 years ago. He pointed out striking similarities between the title and lyrics of both songs, despite different melodies.
Kwame Mickey had taken action by requesting YouTube to disable Team Eternity’s “Defe Defe” on the platform until the copyright issues were resolved. With the settlement, the song is expected to be reinstated on the platform.