Pope Hosts Comedians For Vatican Outreach Program

Pope Francis met with over 100 comedians, including Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock, and Whoopi Goldberg, at the Vatican, praising their ability to spread joy and unity in a world filled with challenges.

“You have the power to make people smile and laugh, and that’s a precious gift,” he said.

The Pope encouraged them to use their talents to bring people together, noting that laughter can be a powerful tool for breaking down barriers.

During the meeting, the Pope also acknowledged the importance of humor in religious contexts, saying that laughter can be a way to connect with the divine without offending religious beliefs.

The event was a unique gathering of comedic talent from around the world, with many notable figures in attendance.

After the meeting, the Pope briefly met with each comedian, exchanging words and laughter.

The event preceded the Pope’s appearance at the G7 summit, where he called for global regulation of AI and emphasized the need for ethical communication.

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