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“2024 BECE: Osu Home JHS Left in the Dark as ECG Disconnects Power Over Unpaid Debts”

Story Highlights
  • ECG cuts power to Osu Home JHS over debts.
  • Power cut disrupts BECE exams.
  • School uses illegal connection to restore power.
  • Students may write math exam in darkness.

Teachers and students of Osu Home Junior High School (JHS) were left in a state of distress on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, after the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) disconnected the school’s power supply. According to sources, the disconnection was due to the school’s outstanding debt to ECG for power supply, leaving the school in total darkness and discomfort.

The power cut occurred on the second day of the ongoing Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), while students were writing their Information, Communication, and Technology (I.C.T) exam. Officials from ECG arrived at the school and cut off the power supply, causing chaos and disrupting the exam process.

School authorities, desperate to find a solution, sought the help of a private electrician who illegally drew power and restored the supply, creating a temporary solution. However, the ECG has yet to restore power to the school, leaving the students and teachers in a state of uncertainty.

With the core mathematics exam scheduled for the next day, Wednesday, there are concerns that the students may have to write the exam in darkness if the issue is not resolved promptly. The school authorities are urging the ECG to take immediate action to restore power to the school to avoid any further disruption to the exam process.

The situation has raised concerns about the impact of unpaid debts on essential services like education, and the need for prompt action to address such issues. The students and teachers of Osu Home JHS are hoping for a swift resolution to the crisis, allowing them to continue their exams without any further disruptions.

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