Organized Labour Failed to Address Galamsey – Austin Gamey

Labour Consultant, Austin Gamey, has expressed disappointment in organised labour’s decision to suspend their planned strike over the galamsey menace. Gamey believes organised labour failed Ghanaians by not compelling President Akufo-Addo to take decisive action against illegal small-scale mining.

According to Gamey, organised labour was the last hope for Ghanaians to push for change. However, their decision to suspend the strike has left many feeling let down. Gamey emphasized that organised labour owes Ghanaians an apology for their inaction.

The planned strike was called off after organised labour expressed satisfaction with the government’s measures to address the galamsey issue. The Trades Union Congress (TUC) Secretary General, Joshua Ansah, announced the suspension on October 9.

Ansah cited several initiatives undertaken by the government, including the establishment of 14 courts to handle illegal mining cases. He also highlighted the collaboration between government, organised labour, and other stakeholders to combat galamsey.

Organised labour has been invited to nominate representatives to join the fight against illegal mining. Additionally, government has proposed a pact committee to ensure presidential candidates commit to fighting galamsey.

Despite the suspension, Ansah warned that organised labour will closely monitor the implementation of the government’s measures. If the government fails to deliver, organised labour will take action.

The President of the Coalition of Concerned Teachers (CCT) Ghana, King Ali Awudu, urged the government to fulfill its promise to combat galamsey. Awudu emphasized that the issue remains a concern for all.

Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association President, Perpetual Ofori Ampofo, expressed concerns about union members feeling silenced during the meeting preceding the strike suspension.

Some union members felt their voices were not heard, leading to dissatisfaction with the decision. Ofori Ampofo encouraged open communication to address these concerns.

As the debate surrounding galamsey continues, Ghanaians await tangible action from the government and organised labour to address this pressing issue.

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