Funny Face Claims DNA Test Reveals all 3 Children Are Not His

Ghanaian comedian Funny Face has made a shocking claim, stating that the three children he had with actress Vanessa are not biologically his.

In a startling revelation, Funny Face alleged that he conducted a DNA test on the children without Vanessa’s knowledge, and the results showed no biological connection.

“I took samples from the hair of the children when their mother came to me at the hotel,” Funny Face revealed in a social media post.

According to Funny Face, he obtained hair samples from the kids without Vanessa’s awareness, which he used for the DNA test.

In an apparent reaction to the alleged test results, Funny Face has removed all belongings of the children from his house, replacing them with paintings of women.

The comedian’s bold assertion has sparked controversy, raising questions about the validity of the DNA test and the motivations behind his actions.

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