Comedian Michael Blackson Claims Ghana Has Left Him Financially Strained

American comedian and actor Michael Blackson is frustrated with the Ghanaian government for jeopardizing his investments in the country. Specifically, Blackson had purchased Eurobonds to support his free school, Michael Blackson Academy, in Agona Nsaba, but is now facing challenges recovering his investment.

The school, which opened its doors in January 2022, provides free education to children from kindergarten to Basic 3, along with free uniforms. Blackson built the school in his mother’s village, driven by his passion to help underprivileged youth access education.

Blackson expressed his disappointment with the Ghanaian government on social media, stating that they used investors’ money to settle debts with China, leaving investors with unfavorable options. He questioned the Finance Minister’s decision, highlighting two unappealing choices: a 37% cut with 5% interest over 11 years or no cut with 1.9% interest over 15 years.

Despite these financial setbacks, Blackson remains committed to running his academy, driven by his love and passion for Ghana’s youth. He emphasized that if not for his dedication, he would consider handing over the school and walking away.

The Michael Blackson Academy has been hailed as a remarkable gesture by the comedian, showcasing his commitment to giving back to his community. Blackson’s efforts have provided hope to numerous children in the Nsaba community.

However, the current situation has raised concerns about the government’s handling of investments and its impact on social initiatives. Blackson’s experience serves as a cautionary tale for potential investors and philanthropists.

In his social media posts, Blackson tagged the Finance Minister, seeking answers and resolution to the issue. His frustration resonates with many who have faced similar challenges in Ghana.

The incident has sparked a broader conversation about the need for transparency and accountability in Ghana’s investment landscape.

Blackson’s dedication to his school and the community remains unwavering, despite the financial hurdles. His story highlights the challenges faced by investors and philanthropists in Ghana.

The Michael Blackson Academy continues to thrive, thanks to Blackson’s resilience and commitment to providing quality education to underprivileged children in Ghana.

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