Nana Kwame Bediako, also known as Cheddar and the leader of the New Force Movement, has announced a visionary plan to create 8 million jobs within the next 10 years.
This ambitious proposal is designed to address unemployment and boost economic growth nationwide.
Cheddar’s strategy targets key sectors such as industry, mineral resources, and agriculture. By investing significantly in these areas, the plan aims to offer a wide array of job opportunities suited to various skills and educational levels.
During the launch of the New Force Movement’s 12 pillars for economic revolution in Accra on Sunday, Cheddar emphasized the importance of regional investment.
He stated, “We begin by ensuring investments across all 16 regions, focusing on industrial development, mineral refinement, and agro-processing.”
He further highlighted the economic potential, citing that Ghana’s mineral and agricultural resources, estimated to be worth $2.5 trillion, could drive substantial growth.
Cheddar is confident that this plan will elevate Ghana’s economic output to $4.7 trillion and generate 8 million jobs over the next decade.