World News

US Army defends Arlington cemetery employee pushed during Trump visit

Story Highlights
  • Trump visited Arlington to honor 13 service members.
  • Army defended the employee.
  • Fears of military politicization.

The US Army has defended an Arlington National Cemetery employee who was pushed aside during a visit by former President Donald Trump, stating that she acted professionally and is being unfairly criticized. Although the military typically avoids political commentary, their statement on Thursday, referring to Monday’s ceremony, did not directly mention Trump or his 2024 campaign.

On Monday, former President Donald Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery for a wreath-laying ceremony honoring 13 service members who died during the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. During his visit to Section 60, a hallowed area reserved for fallen troops, Trump’s campaign filmed the event, which is prohibited by federal law and Pentagon policies.

An Arlington National Cemetery employee who attempted to enforce these rules was pushed aside during the visit. The US Army has since defended the employee, stating that she acted professionally and was unfairly targeted. They also noted that the incident, while unfortunate, was not a political issue.

Trump, speaking in Michigan on Thursday, claimed that families of the deceased service members had invited him to the cemetery and expressed his affection for them. He also used the occasion to criticize his Democratic rival, Kamala Harris, for the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal.

The incident has rekindled concerns about Trump potentially using the military for political purposes if re-elected. During his presidency, Trump controversially intervened in military matters, including restoring the rank of a Navy SEAL convicted of misconduct and threatening to deploy soldiers to suppress domestic protests.

The military’s intervention in this case underscores its commitment to remaining apolitical and upholding the independence of its institutions. Some veterans have criticized Trump’s visit as disrespectful, with retired Navy Admiral James Stavridis condemning the use of Arlington’s sacred ground for political purposes. Social media images of Trump with the families of fallen soldiers have also sparked controversy, with some viewing them as inappropriate given the solemnity of the site.

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