Local News

Vehicle Engulfed in Flames After Driver Falls Asleep

Story Highlights
  • Driver fell asleep, causing the vehicle to crash and catch fire
  • Delayed response from the Ghana Fire Service allowed the fire to escalate
  • The incident underscores the need for vigilance while driving

A vehicle traveling through Labone was completely consumed by fire yesterday after the driver fell asleep at the wheel.

The vehicle, identified by registration number GM 708-21, crashed into an electricity pole, initiating the sequence of events that led to the fire.

The driver, upon regaining consciousness, discovered that the car was engulfed in flames as he tried to resume driving.

The Ghana Fire Service National Headquarters was contacted promptly, but their delayed response allowed the fire to escalate significantly before they arrived on the scene.

Firefighters eventually managed to put out the blaze, but by the time they controlled the flames, the car had already been reduced to a charred shell.

The cause of the accident was attributed to the driver’s inattention and subsequent loss of control. The fire’s rapid spread was exacerbated by the delay in emergency services’ arrival.

Witnesses at the scene described the fire as intense and difficult to manage, with thick smoke billowing from the vehicle. Despite the best efforts of the fire service, the vehicle was beyond salvage by the time the flames were extinguished.

The incident highlights the critical importance of remaining alert while driving, as lapses in attention can have devastating consequences.

Authorities are reviewing the response times of emergency services to prevent similar incidents in the future and ensure timely assistance to those in need.

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