Local News

Goat Thief Paraded Through Community in Humiliating Display

Story Highlights
  • A 55-year-old man accused of goat theft was paraded through his community
  • Residents organized the public shaming as a form of justice and deterrence
  • The accused man had a history of stealing goats from the community

At Kparekpare, a farming community near Dambai in the Krachi East Municipality of the Oti Region, a 55-year-old man accused of stealing a goat was publicly paraded while carrying his loot.

The suspect, identified as Abalo Kwesi, was forced to drape the goat around his neck as he was paraded through the town, surrounded by jeering residents. Children and local youths sang songs to further shame him during the procession.

The spectacle drew a large crowd, with hundreds gathering to witness the scene. Residents told journalists that Kwesi had a history of terrorizing the community by breaking into homes at night and stealing goats.

Kasim Jein Gbandi, a local, recounted that the community had been plagued by goat thefts until some children discovered Kwesi, who had slaughtered one of the stolen goats in the bush and raised an alarm. The community quickly responded, leading to Kwesi’s arrest.

Madam Beatrice Kawodei, a retired teacher, reported that Kwesi had stolen several of her goats over different nights and that some neighbors had lost up to six animals due to his actions. She described how he would allegedly slaughter the goats in the bush and transport the meat to his home.

Kasim Waja from Sariki Zongo confirmed that theft had become a frequent issue in Kparekpare, leading to increased petty thefts and frustration among residents.

He noted that while the public’s reaction might seem harsh, it was intended to serve as a deterrent to other potential thieves.

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