UPDATE: Consumables Held at Tema Port to be Cleared Soon – Korle Bu”

The management of Korle Bu Teaching Hospital has issued a reassuring statement regarding the consumables needed by renal patients, which are currently stuck at the port. Renal patients at the hospital have been facing a challenging situation, as the delay in clearing these essential supplies has forced the unit to close for three weeks, depriving them of vital medical care.

In response to the situation, the patients have threatened to picket on Wednesday, August 21, in protest over the delay. The shortage of critical supplies has caused significant concern among patients and medical staff, highlighting the need for swift action.

Korle Bu’s Public Relations Officer, Mustapha Salifu, has stated that the hospital is working expeditiously to resolve the issue and restore services. Salifu apologized for the challenge and entreated patients to exercise restraint, assuring them that the hospital has received a commitment from the Ministry of Health to clear the supplies.

The patients have already endured the shortage for over two weeks, and Salifu urged them to cooperate with the hospital to resolve the issue. Meanwhile, the spokesperson for the renal patients, Baffuor Kojo Ahenkorah, has pleaded with the hospital to honor its assurances and ensure the timely clearance of the essential supplies.

Ahenkorah expressed hope that the hospital would clear the containers as promised, and urged them to provide an update on the situation by Wednesday. The situation highlights the need for efficient logistics and communication to ensure that critical medical supplies reach patients in need, and Korle Bu’s efforts to resolve the issue are being closely watched by patients and medical professionals alike.

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