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Truck Driver Averts Major Disaster at Tollbooth

Story Highlights
  • A truck driver prevented a major accident at the Tanoboase-Tuobodom tollbooth
  • The driver's swift action saved countless lives
  • Local residents praised the driver's bravery

A truck driver carrying canned alcoholic beverages narrowly averted a disaster at the Tanoboase-Tuobodom tollbooth in the Bono East region, saving countless lives and protecting property.

The truck, en route from Tema to Burkina Faso, suffered brake failure roughly 200 meters from the tollbooth.

Eyewitnesses reported that the driver, realizing the brakes were non-functional, maneuvered the truck off the road to avoid a collision with nearby vehicles and vendors.

Residents, who were initially terrified, praised the driver’s quick thinking, which prevented a potential tragedy.

They immediately assisted security personnel and the supplier in clearing the road of the truck’s cargo. Ahmed Tijani, the owner of the goods, expressed relief that no lives were lost but noted that he is still assessing the extent of his financial losses.

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