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Majority Caucus Fumes Over Speaker’s Sudden Indefinite Parliament Adjournment

Story Highlights
  • Afenyo-Markin criticized the Speaker for prioritizing travel over parliamentary duties.
  • He argued that parliamentary adjournments should not be treated as purely administrative.
  • Afenyo-Markin highlighted a missed chance for consensus on key issues
  • He was concerned about the lack of closing remarks and the failure to allow leader comments before adjournment.

The Majority leadership of Parliament has expressed strong dissatisfaction with Speaker Alban Bagbin for adjourning Parliament indefinitely. This marks the second consecutive session that the Speaker has abruptly ended, leaving several key government matters unresolved. The Majority Caucus, particularly frustrated, has accused Speaker Bagbin of prioritizing his international travels over addressing parliamentary business.

Majority Leader Alexander Afenyo-Markin voiced his disappointment, calling it “worrying” that the rules allow for another member to preside in the Speaker’s absence. “I maintain that while Mr. Speaker’s trip to the NCSL in the United States was important, it should not outweigh government business,” said Mr. Afenyo-Markin.

The Effutu MP stressed that the adjournment and reopening of Parliament should not be treated as merely administrative, given that parliamentary decisions are made by consensus. “…Given the substantial business we had as a House, we could have reached some consensus. It was surprising that he did not provide closing remarks or allow leaders to speak, which is very concerning,” he added.

Since the Speaker presides over the House, the Majority Leader says he does not want to engage in any confrontation with him, but added that they “vehemently disagree with the unilateral decision to adjourn the House.”

Afenyo-Markin further indicated that they will recall Parliament, stating, “We are with immediate effect going to engage our caucus with the sole aim of getting the necessary consent of members and procure their signatures to recall the House in accordance with the law.”

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