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Oppong Nkrumah Signs Contracts to Combat Flooding

Story Highlights
  • Government has initiated flood control projects in Kaneshie
  • Contractors have been given a strict four-week deadline to commence work
  • He expressed optimism that the project would significantly benefit the residents of Kaneshie once completed

The Ghanaian government has initiated steps to alleviate the recurring flood crisis in Accra.

Minister for Works and Housing, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, has signed two contracts for flood control projects in Kaneshie.

This development is part of the broader Greater Accra Resilient and Integrated Development (GARID) project, supported by the World Bank.

The persistent flooding in Accra has been attributed to factors such as rapid urbanization, poor sanitation, and climate change.

The government hopes that these new flood control measures will provide much-needed relief to residents of Kaneshie and contribute to a more resilient city.

Contractors have been given a four-week deadline to mobilize and commence work on the flood control projects.

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