Inter-Agency Investigation Launched into Kulungugu Event

The Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) and the Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) have initiated a joint investigation into a recent incident at the Kulungugu border post. The investigation follows the circulation of a video on social media depicting a scuffle between officers from both institutions.

In a joint statement, the two agencies expressed deep concern over the incident. To address the matter, the Controller-General of Immigration and the Commissioner of Customs have established a joint investigative committee tasked with determining the cause of the altercation and recommending measures to prevent future occurrences.

The heads of both institutions at the Kulungugu border post have been directed to collaborate under the Border Security Committee (BOSEC) to manage immediate issues while awaiting the outcome of the investigation. The statement further assured the public of their commitment to national security and development, promising to release the findings of the investigation.

The GIS and GRA have apologized for any inconvenience caused by the incident and pledged to take steps to prevent similar occurrences that could hinder the smooth movement of people and goods across the border.

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