“Jesus Never Healed The Sick Or Raised The Dead” – Majid Michel

- Majid Michel sparks debate with sermon claiming Jesus never personally healed the sick or raised the dead
- Michel emphasizes importance of surrendering personal will
- Michel defines sin as separation from God
Ghanaian actor Majid Michel has delivered another thought-provoking sermon on Christianity, challenging conventional beliefs about Jesus Christ’s miracles.
According to Michel, “Jesus never healed the sick nor raised the dead. Jesus never let the blind see.” He explained that Jesus’ actions were not driven by his own will, but by the will of God. “As I see the Father do, I do. I have a will, but I will not use my will; only the will of my Father I came to do.”
Michel also referenced the temptation of Jesus by Satan, emphasizing that acting independently of God’s permission constitutes sin. “When you throw your own plans and make your own decisions without consulting the Father, you have sinned,” he concluded.
The award-winning actor has been open about his encounter with Christ and has been preaching in church, sharing his unconventional opinions on religion. Michel believes that religions, including Christianity and Islam, have perpetuated violence and inhumane acts throughout history, and suggests that people should distance themselves from being religious.