“Electoral Commission to Update Parliament on 2024 Election Preparations”

The Electoral Commission (EC) of Ghana is scheduled to appear before Parliament on Friday, July 19, 2024. The purpose of the meeting is to brief Parliament on the preparations for the 2024 General Elections. The meeting was requested by members of Parliament to assess the level of preparedness of the EC ahead of the presidential and parliamentary polls on December 7, 2024.

The Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Mr. Andrew Asiamah Amoako, made the announcement during proceedings on Thursday, July 18, 2024. According to Mr. Amoako, the EC has been invited to brief Parliament on the preparations they have made so far towards the 2024 elections.

He encouraged members of Parliament to come prepared with questions and concerns to ask the EC. Mr. Amoako emphasized that the meeting will be a respectful inquiry into the EC’s preparations and not a banter.

The meeting will take place in the chamber and is expected to provide an opportunity for Parliament to understand the EC’s readiness for the upcoming elections. The 2024 General Elections are crucial for Ghana’s democracy, and the EC’s preparations are of utmost importance.

Parliament’s oversight role is critical in ensuring that the EC is accountable and transparent in its preparations. Members of Parliament can engage with the EC and provide guidance and support where necessary to ensure a successful and peaceful election.

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