Kagame Leads With 99.15% Of Votes, Poised For Fourth Term

President Paul Kagame has secured a significant lead in Rwanda’s presidential election, according to provisional results.

The electoral authorities reported that Kagame received 99% of the vote, while his opponents, Frank Habineza and Philippe Mpayimana, collectively garnered under 1%.

This outcome is consistent with the 2017 election results, in which Kagame won nearly 99% of the vote.

Kagame has been in power since 1994 and was running for re-election with limited opposition.

The final results are expected by July 27. Despite concerns raised by rights groups about restrictions on human rights and suppression of dissenting voices, Kagame’s supporters credit him with presiding over significant economic growth and development in the country.

The election took place amid regional security concerns, including the presence of Rwandan forces fighting alongside rebel groups in neighboring eastern Congo.

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