Ghana Launches SME Growth and Opportunity Programme

Government launched the SME Growth and Opportunity Programme today, a major initiative to strengthen the country’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Boosting SME Growth

Led by the Ministries of Finance and Trade and Industry, the program aims to deliver coordinated financial and technical support to high-potential SMEs. This will drive economic growth and development in Ghana.

Breaking Barriers Summit

A summit themed “Breaking Barriers to SME Growth” marks the launch. It brings together 150 participants from various sectors:

Private businesses
Business regulatory and compliance institutions
Industry experts
Multilateral and bilateral partners
Financial service providers

Importance of SMEs

Key speakers, including President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, will highlight the critical role of SMEs in Ghana’s economy. SMEs represent:

90% of businesses in Ghana
70% of the country's GDP
80% of private sector jobs

Global Comparison

Ghana’s SME landscape compares well globally. SMEs contribute:

50% of global GDP
60% of private sector jobs worldwide

In Africa, SMEs are equally significant, forming the backbone of many economies. They account for:

37.7 million enterprises
34% of Africa's GDP
63% of the continent's workforce

Programme Goals

The SME Growth and Opportunity Programme focuses on:

Improved coordination among partner agencies
Targeted delivery of financial and technical assistance
Stronger partnerships
Mobilizing diverse financial resources for SME growth
Advocating for inclusive policies to support SMEs

Additional Support

The program includes an SME product exhibition, allowing businesses to showcase their innovations and connect with potential investors, partners, and customers.

Partnering for Success

Several key agencies are partnering in the program:

Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA)
Ghana EXIM Bank
Development Bank Ghana (DBG)
International Finance Corporation (IFC)

These collaborations ensure a comprehensive approach to fostering a thriving SME ecosystem in Ghana.

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