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“Domelevo Hails Organised Labour’s Role in Blocking SSNIT Hotel Sale”

Story Highlights
  • Domelevo praises Organised Labour for opposing SSNIT hotel sale.
  • He questions government's decision to sell assets to a cabinet minister.
  • Criticizes delay in CHRAJ's investigation report release.
  • Emphasizes importance of accountability and transparency in governance.

Former Auditor-General, Daniel Yao Domelevo, has praised Organised Labour for their strong opposition to the sale of 60% shares in four hotels by the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT). Domelevo commended Organised Labour’s unwavering commitment to preventing the sale of the hotels, which he believes would have shortchanged the members of Organised Labour.

Domelevo expressed his support for Organised Labour’s stance during an interview with host Bernard Avle. He stated that he follows the developments closely and is impressed with Organised Labour’s determination to protect the interests of their members. Domelevo emphasized the importance of consultation and transparency in decision-making, particularly when it involves assets that belong to the people.

The former Auditor-General questioned the government’s decision to sell its assets to a cabinet minister, calling it “strange” and potentially conflicted. He urged institutions like Organised Labour to remain resolute in holding public officials accountable for their actions. Domelevo referenced Article 284 of the constitution, which prohibits public officers from putting themselves in positions where their personal interests conflict with their official duties.

Domelevo criticized the government’s plan to sell the hotels, stating that it would have been disastrous for the members of Organised Labour if North Tongu Member of Parliament, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, had not exposed the plan. He praised Ablakwa for his role in revealing the government’s intentions and preventing the sale of the hotels.

The former Auditor-General also commented on the delay by the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) in releasing its investigation report on the petition filed by Ablakwa. Domelevo criticized enforcement agencies for their insensitivity to public concerns, stating that justice delayed is justice denied.

Domelevo emphasized the importance of accountability and transparency in governance. He encouraged institutions like Organised Labour to continue holding public officials accountable for their actions. Domelevo believes that this is essential for promoting good governance and protecting the interests of the people.

The former Auditor-General’s comments come at a time when there is growing concern about the government’s handling of public assets. The attempted sale of the SSNIT hotels has sparked widespread criticism, with many calling for greater transparency and accountability in the management of public assets.

Domelevo’s praise for Organised Labour’s stance on the issue is significant, given his experience as a former Auditor-General. His comments underscore the importance of institutions like Organised Labour in holding public officials accountable for their actions.

The controversy surrounding the attempted sale of the SSNIT hotels highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability in governance. Domelevo’s comments serve as a reminder of the importance of protecting the interests of the people and promoting good governance.

Domelevo’s praise for Organised Labour’s stance on the attempted sale of the SSNIT hotels is a testament to the importance of accountability and transparency in governance. His comments serve as a call to action for institutions like Organised Labour to continue holding public officials accountable for their actions and promoting good governance.

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