“Bawumia Calls on Transport Operators to Embrace Digital Transformation”

Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has called on transport operators to support the government’s digitalization agenda, which aims to transform the transport sector. He made this call during a meeting with the leadership and members of the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) on Thursday, July 4.

Dr. Bawumia highlighted the various digital initiatives introduced in the transport sector, including the streamlining of processes for Driver’s Licence acquisition, vehicle registration, and insurance renewal. These initiatives are designed to make the sector more efficient and cost-effective.

The Vice President also announced plans for the construction of Charging Stations for Electronic Vehicles across the country. This is part of the government’s efforts to promote the use of electric vehicles and reduce carbon emissions.

Dr. Bawumia revealed that about 100 Electronic Buses are expected to arrive in the country by the end of the year, which will be operated by the GPRTU. This is a significant step towards modernizing the public transport system in Ghana.

The Vice President emphasized the need for collaboration between the government and transport operators to accelerate the reforms and digital transformation in the public transport sector. He encouraged the GPRTU and other transport operators to work closely with the government to achieve this goal.

Dr. Bawumia’s meeting with the GPRTU was part of his ongoing engagement with various stakeholders in the transport sector. He has been championing the cause of digitalization in the sector, and his efforts have already started yielding results.

The digitalization of the transport sector is expected to bring many benefits, including improved efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced safety. It will also make it easier for passengers to access transport services and pay for them conveniently.

The government’s digitalization agenda is part of its broader vision to transform Ghana into a digital economy. The transport sector is a critical component of this vision, and the government is committed to ensuring that it is modernized and efficient.

Dr. Bawumia’s call to transport operators to support the government’s digitalization agenda has been well received by stakeholders in the sector. Many have expressed their willingness to collaborate with the government to achieve this goal.

The digitalization of the transport sector is a significant development that has the potential to transform the way people move around in Ghana. With the support of transport operators, the government is confident that it can achieve its goal of creating a modern and efficient transport system.

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