
WRA Urges Government To Make Water Affordable For Ghanaians

Story Highlights
  • Water for Rural Africa calls on Government of Ghana to make water affordable for citizens
  • 5.1% increase in water prices announced by Public Utilities Regulatory Commission sparks concerns
  • WRA President Dr. Donald Agumenu urges government intervention to cushion Ghanaians from high water costs

Water for Rural Africa (WRA), a non-governmental organization, has appealed to the Government of Ghana to take immediate action to make water affordable for citizens. This call comes on the heels of the 5.1% increase in water prices announced by the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) on July 1.

According to Dr. Donald Agumenu, President of WRA, the current harsh economic conditions necessitate government intervention to cushion Ghanaians from the burden of high water costs. “Electricity costs have shot up. Fuel prices are on an upward surge. Food prices are at an all-time high with hyperinflation. And now water. This is too much for Ghanaians. Government must intervene in a fundamental human rights commodity as water,” he emphasized.

Dr. Agumenu stressed that ensuring affordable water for citizens aligns with international treaties, particularly the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Goal 6 on “Clean Water and Sanitation.” He urged the government to consider subsidies or action on Ghana Water Company to reduce costs. Additionally, he called on Ghana Water Company Limited to adopt efficient management practices to minimize systemic losses through pipe leakages and illegal connections.

Water for Rural Africa has been complementing government efforts in providing potable water to underprivileged communities and plans to upscale its activities in all 16 regions of Ghana in the third quarter of this year.

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