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Central Mali Village Attack Leaves Around 40 Dead

Story Highlights
  • Unidentified armed attackers struck a village in central Mali
  • The attack occurred in Mopti, a region with a long history of jihadist activity
  • The attackers surrounded the village, indiscriminately shooting residents

Unidentified armed assailants have reportedly killed approximately 40 individuals in an attack on a village in strife-torn central Mali, according to local officials on Tuesday.

The assault occurred on Monday in Djiguibombo village, situated in the Mopti region, an area long plagued by insurgent activities. Jihadist groups associated with al Qaeda and Islamic State have operated in Mali’s northern and central regions for more than a decade.

Mayor Moulaye Guindo of Bankass described the attack as severe, stating, “Armed men surrounded the village and indiscriminately fired at people.” While Guindo did not provide a precise death toll, two local officials, speaking anonymously, estimated that around 40 individuals lost their lives.

“It was a scene of carnage,” one official remarked. “They encircled the village during a wedding… Panic ensued, some managed to escape, but many, mostly men, were killed.”

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, and the identity of the assailants remains unknown. Attempts to contact the army spokesperson for comment were unsuccessful.

The escalation of violence in the central Sahel region of West Africa has resulted in widespread unrest, with the insurgencies originating in Mali and spreading into neighboring Burkina Faso and Niger. This instability has contributed to multiple coups since 2020, further destabilizing the region and causing significant human displacement and loss of life.

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