Power Cuts Threaten Livelihoods In Kete-Krachi, Oti Region

Residents and business owners in Kete-Krachi and its environs in the Oti Region are struggling to cope with persistent power cuts that have plagued the town for over five years. The frequent blackouts have severely impacted businesses, leaving many on the brink of collapse.

A visit to the community by Adom News’ Obrempongba Owusu revealed the devastating effects of the power fluctuation on shop owners, restaurant operators, and small businesses. These enterprises rely heavily on electricity to operate, and the constant outages have resulted in significant losses in revenue and productivity.

Business owners expressed their frustration, citing the inability to serve customers or keep products fresh due to the lack of electricity. Despite numerous complaints to the Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCO), the power outages continue to affect the town.

Nana Mprah Besemuna of the Krachi Traditional Council echoed the concerns, highlighting the negative impact on the local economy. He urged the government to take immediate action to address the issue and provide a sustainable solution to the power outages.

“The persistent power outages are affecting businesses in the area, and we call on the government to urgently address the issue and provide a sustainable solution,” Nana Besemuna said.

The Krachi Municipal Government Hospital has also threatened to close down the mortuary and other departments if the power crisis persists, further emphasizing the need for a reliable power supply in the area.

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