“Defence Minister Urges Military to Remain Neutral in Election 2024”

Ghana’s Defence Minister, Dominic Nitiwul, has emphasized the importance of the military’s political neutrality in the upcoming 2024 elections. Speaking at the Republic Day lecture hosted by the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Nitiwul stressed that the military’s primary responsibility is to protect the nation’s integrity.

He highlighted the crucial role of the military in safeguarding democracy and warned against any partisan involvement. “The military is the last bastion of our country’s hope,” he declared, emphasizing the importance of maintaining public trust.

Nitiwul painted a stark picture of the consequences if the armed forces were to lose public trust by aligning with a political party. Such a breach, he warned, could undermine the very foundation of democracy.

The lecture featured prominent speakers, including Former National Security Minister Francis Poku and Prof. Kwasi Aning, who explored the essential role of military impartiality in ensuring national security and stability.

Other distinguished guests, including Madam Josephine Nkrumah, echoed the Minister’s sentiment, emphasizing the importance of the military operating independently of political influence to effectively carry out its duties.

The event marked the launch of a series of public lectures planned by the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College. These lectures aim to spark discussions on critical national security issues in the coming months.

The Defence Minister’s message was clear: the military must remain neutral in the face of political pressure. He urged the armed forces to uphold their constitutional mandate and protect the nation’s interests above all else.

The audience comprised military personnel, academics, and security experts, who engaged in a thought-provoking discussion on the importance of military neutrality in democratic governance.

As Ghana prepares for the 2024 elections, the Defence Minister’s warning serves as a reminder of the military’s critical role in maintaining peace and stability. The military’s impartiality is crucial in ensuring the integrity of the electoral process and upholding the trust of the Ghanaian people.

The Republic Day lecture served as a timely reminder of the military’s responsibility to remain apolitical and protect the nation’s interests. The Defence Minister’s message resonated with the audience, emphasizing the importance of military neutrality in safeguarding democracy and national security.

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