Renowned security consultant, Prof. Kwesi Aning, has sounded the alarm on the pervasive corruption plaguing Ghana, labeling it the most significant threat to the country’s security. Speaking at the Republic Day Lecture at the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Prof. Aning emphasized that corruption surpasses other security threats, including extremism.
He urged the Military to conduct in-depth analyses to comprehend the complex networks, interdependencies, and tools necessary to respond to corruption’s far-reaching impact. Prof. Aning stressed that corruption has become an entrenched norm in Ghana, binding the nation together.
The security expert highlighted the fluid and evolving nature of security threats, noting that while extremism and sanitation may be significant concerns, corruption remains the constant and abiding threat. He emphasized the need for consistent analysis and threat assessment to understand corruption’s next impact.
Prof. Aning also drew attention to the escalating threat of illegal mining (galamsey) to Ghana’s national security. He expressed concern over the alarming rise in arms use and illicit financial flows from foreign actors involved in galamsey.
The security consultant’s warnings come as a call to action for the Military and government to prioritize corruption’s threat to national security. His remarks underscore the urgent need for a comprehensive approach to address corruption’s pervasive influence.
Prof. Aning’s expertise in security matters lends weight to his warnings, emphasizing the imperative for Ghana to confront corruption head-on. The country’s stability and security depend on it. The Republic Day Lecture served as a platform for Prof. Aning to sound the alarm on corruption’s threat to Ghana’s security. His words resonate with urgency, prompting the Military and government to take decisive action.
As Ghana grapples with the consequences of corruption, Prof. Aning’s warnings serve as a stark reminder of the devastating impact of corruption on national security. The security consultant’s remarks have sparked a renewed call to action, urging the government and Military to join forces in combating corruption’s pervasive influence. Ultimately, Prof. Aning’s warnings emphasize the need for a collective effort to address corruption’s threat to Ghana’s security, stability, and prosperity.