Accra Shops Closed for Homowo Clean-up Exercise

The Ga Mantse, King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, has launched a massive clean-up exercise, “Let’s Keep Accra Clean,” in collaboration with government agencies. The campaign aims to promote good waste management practices and community ownership of environmental stewardship, in preparation for the Homowo Festival.

The month-long exercise will cover all 25 local government authorities in the Greater Accra Region, focusing on household registration, education on waste management techniques, and enforcement of by-laws. Ga Mantse urged all shops and businesses to close on the day of the exercise and called on leaders of various groups and associations to participate fully.

The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) has grouped the clean-up activities into six zones, with Zone 1 covering areas within the Accra Metropolitan Assembly and three sister Assemblies, starting from Sempe, Gbese, Abloa, Asere, and Dogo Beach in Ga Mashie.

“We expect all shops and businesses in the designated area to close on the day of the exercise. We also urge leaders of various groups and associations to participate fully. The Assemblies should also take up their responsibilities by making refuse bins available and at vantage points,” Ga Mantse emphasized.

The exercise aims to promote a clean and healthy environment for the people of Accra, and the Ga Mantse’s call to action has been echoed by the AMA and other stakeholders.

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