
Tricycle Operator Sentenced to 12 Years for Defiling 10-Year-Old Girl

Story Highlights
  • Godfred Ofosu Appiah, 27, sentenced to 12 years in prison for sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl
  • The tricycle operator committed the crime in May 2024 at Sarfo near Asonomanso in the Ashanti region
  • Godfred confessed to the crime and pleaded guilty, claiming "the devil made me do it"

The Ashanti Circuit Court at Old Tafo has sentenced Godfred Ofosu Appiah, a 27-year-old tricycle operator, to 12 years in prison with hard labor for sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl.

The incident occurred in May 2024 at Sarfo near Asonomanso in the Ashanti region, while the victim’s father was away. Godfred, a tenant in the victim’s parents’ home, took advantage of their absence and sexually assaulted the girl in an unfinished room, threatening her to keep silent.

The victim’s mother discovered her daughter bleeding and reported the incident to the Mamponteng police, leading to Godfred’s arrest and confession. In court, Godfred admitted to the charge of defilement and pleaded guilty to sexual relations with a minor.

“I am sound. It is the devil that made me do it,” Godfred said when asked if he was of sound mind when he committed the crime.

The court found Godfred guilty based on his voluntary admission of guilt and sentenced him to 12 years in prison with hard labor, considering the young age of the victim and the premeditated nature of the crime.

“I beg for leniency, I promise not to reoffend,” Godfred said, but the prosecutor argued for a harsher sentence to serve as a deterrent to others.

The judge mitigated the sentence due to Godfred being a first-time offender, but aimed to serve as a deterrent to others who might consider similar actions.

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