Palestinian Refugees In Lebanon Vow To Resist Israeli Attack In Hezbollah

Palestinians in Lebanon are watching the Israeli assault on Gaza with growing anger and concern, fearing a similar fate if Israel escalates its conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Hezbollah has been engaging Israel in response to the Gaza offensive, which has killed over 37,000 people and displaced nearly the entire population.

While Palestinians in Lebanon’s refugee camps, like Shatila, express determination to support Hezbollah and the “axis of resistance” against Israel, they fear for their families and civilians, anticipating Israel’s targeting of densely populated areas, including Palestinian camps.

Ahed Mahar, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, condemned Israel’s disregard for human rights and children’s rights.

The situation has raised concerns about the potential for further escalation and humanitarian crises in the region.

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