National Film Authority Supports Ghanaian Filmmakers with OIF Grant

The National Film Authority, in collaboration with the French Embassy, Creation Africa, and Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), has awarded grants to three Ghanaian film production companies. The initiative aims to promote collaboration and provide financial support to co-productions.

Driving Park Limited received €80,000 for their project “A Dream to Die For,” which tackles illegal mining. Adjoa Films and Midnight Run Productions received €5,000 each for their projects “Regulated Minds” and “Tantra,” respectively.

According to the Executive Secretary of the National Film Authority, Juliet, this initiative is part of their strategy to establish Ghana as a production hub and encourage co-productions. “Co-productions facilitate skills transfer and market expansion,” she noted.

The three film projects were selected from a pool of applicants based on their potential for co-productions. “We were looking for specific criteria, and co-productions were key among them,” Juliet explained.

This financial support is expected to boost the quality and visibility of Ghanaian film productions, setting the stage for Ghana to become a preferred shooting location and destination.

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