World News

Bolivian Military Leaders Arrested After Failed Coup Attempt

Two high-ranking Bolivian military leaders were arrested on Wednesday following an attempted coup that saw soldiers and tanks deployed in front of government buildings.

President Luis Arce denounced the incident as an attack on democracy, while troops and tanks entered Plaza Murillo, a historic square housing the presidency and Congress, sparking global condemnation.

General Juan Jose Zuniga, the dismissed army chief, claimed the armed forces aimed to “restructure democracy” and move it away from long-term rule by a few individuals. However, the attempted coup lasted only about five hours before soldiers and tanks withdrew.

Zuniga was later arrested outside a military barracks, along with Juan Arnez Salvador, head of the Bolivian navy. Interior Minister Eduardo del Castillo announced their arrests, labeling them “military coup leaders” who failed to undermine democracy.

President Arce addressed supporters from the government palace balcony, reaffirming the nation’s commitment to democracy and urging the Bolivian people to mobilize in defense of democratic governance. He also appointed new military leaders.

The incident has highlighted the deep political divisions within Bolivia, particularly within the ruling Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) party between Arce and former president Evo Morales supporters.

The international community, including the US, the United Nations, and Latin American leaders, expressed deep concern and called for calm, emphasizing the importance of respecting democracy.

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