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Parliament Demands Answers: Interior Minister Summoned Over Wa Security Killings

Story Highlights
  • Parliament summons Interior Minister
  • The Minister to brief lawmakers on the recent killings of private security officers
  • Members of Parliament expressed deep concern and frustration over the violence

The Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Andrew Asiamah Amoako, has summoned Interior Minister Henry Quartey to appear before the House on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

The purpose of this summons is to brief lawmakers on the recent tragic killings of private security officers in various parts of the country.

The incidents in question involve the deaths of two private security personnel at their duty posts in separate attacks at the Wa East office of the Ghana Education Service and the Wa Model Junior High School.

Expressing deep concern and frustration, Members of Parliament Yusif Sulemana and Dr. Rashid Pelpuo, representing Bole-Bamboi and Wa Central respectively, emphasized the urgent need for progress in the investigations and enhanced measures to address the escalating violence.

Mr. Sulemana highlighted, “Last week, the Interior Minister deployed additional personnel to Bole to help quell this situation. However, much more needs to be done to prevent these targeted attacks on security officers.”

Dr. Pelpuo echoed these sentiments, stating, “We are deeply troubled by the recurring killings and the apparent lack of progress in previous investigations. The police must conduct thorough and effective investigations to apprehend those responsible.”

In response to these concerns, the Second Deputy Speaker directed the Interior Minister to provide a detailed briefing to Parliament on the circumstances surrounding the killings and the measures being taken to ensure the safety of private security officers and the public.

The Interior Minister has been mandated to appear before Parliament next Wednesday to deliver this critical briefing and offer assurances to the affected communities.

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