“Ofori Asiamah Urges Africa to Develop More Robust Public Transport System”

The Minister of Transport, Kwaku Ofori Asiamah, has called on African countries to unite and develop a more robust public transport system. This, he believes, will reduce the burden on commuters and ensure smooth operations.

Asiamah made this call during an interaction with the press at the 2024 African Public Service Optimum (APSO) Conference & Awards night in Accra. The Minister attributed the challenges in the transport sector to insufficient infrastructure, which can be addressed through legislation, regulation, and laws.

He emphasized the need for regulation to prevent transport operators from exploiting commuters with exorbitant fares. Asiamah received the ‘Most Outstanding Innovation in Infrastructure Development’ Award at the event, which recognized outstanding public institutions and public servants.

The event aimed to foster cooperation and working relationships among award-winning institutions and public officials across Africa. Asiamah cited the Matatus (minibus) industry in East Africa as an example of unregulated transport operators exploiting passengers, leading to higher prices for essential goods and services.

The Minister stressed the need for African governments to strike a balance between allowing transport operators to earn a fair income and protecting commuters from exploitation. By implementing laws and strengthening institutions, Africa can build a more robust public transport system, prioritizing commuter welfare and safety.

Asiamah believes this move will lead to a more equitable and sustainable transportation sector, acknowledging that not everyone can afford private vehicles.

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