
“If They Can’t Manage ECG, I’m Ready to Take Over” – Hassan Ayariga to Government

Story Highlights
  • Ayariga demands action on Ghana's persistent power outages
  • He offers to privatize ECG if the government can't improve its performance
  • Ayariga urges the government to prioritize citizens' interests and deliver reliable electricity

The presidential candidate of the All People’s Congress (APC), Hassan Ayariga, has urged the government to take immediate action to address the persistent power outages plaguing the country.

Ayariga emphasized the need for effective leadership at the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), suggesting that individuals with proven track records be appointed to manage the utility company. Should the government prove unable to manage ECG efficiently, Ayariga recommends considering privatization.

In a bold move, Ayariga expressed his willingness to purchase ECG himself, ensuring reliable electricity supply to Ghanaians. He stressed that this proposal aims to address the growing frustration among citizens over the persistent power outages and the need for decisive action to improve the country’s energy sector.

“The power crisis, or dumsor, is a national issue that requires urgent attention and action from the government. We will not sit idle while our country suffers,” Ayariga declared.

“The All People’s Congress urges the government to put the interests of its citizens first and work towards providing a sustainable and reliable power supply for all. If they can’t manage ECG, I am ready to take over and privatise it,” he added.

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