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Election 2024: Speaker Bagbin Urges Exclusion of Military from Polling Stations

Story Highlights
  • Bagbin underscored the necessity of keeping military personnel away from polling stations
  • Bagbin expressed his intention to collaborate with the President
  • Bagbin emphasized that military presence at polling or voting centers not the option

Alban Bagbin, Speaker of Parliament, emphasized the necessity of excluding military presence from polling stations during the upcoming December 7 general elections.

Bagbin stated his intention to engage with the President, political party flagbearers, security agencies, and other stakeholders to implement measures ensuring the elections are conducted freely, fairly, and credibly.

During his address in Parliament on Tuesday, June 11, Bagbin emphasized that unless necessary for addressing specific situations, the military should refrain from being present at polling or voting centers.

“We aim to avoid military presence during the election. Their deployment will be limited to situations where their intervention is essential,” Bagbin remarked.

He also highlighted the active involvement of honorable members of Parliament, religious leaders, and prominent figures from civil society in the electoral process, expressing concerns over the current indicators of national sentiment, which do not reflect assurance and optimism.

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